Fruit Orchard

Our fruit tree orchard is slowly coming along with most of our trees planted in large pots due to the rocky terrain.

We currently have a mixture of sour sop, sweet suop, mulberry, figs, guavas, rose apple, eggfruit, goose berries and a few bits and bobs thrown in.

Although our orchard is only a few years old we are already seeing harvests of sweet sops, goose berries, ju-plum and mulberries

It is our hope to also have our fruit tree orchard planted with lots native species of fruit trees including round mango, long mango, number 11 mango, peppermint mango, regular and yellow heart breadfruit, ackee, genip, naseberry and more.

A number of these wonderful native have already been collect and are growing out in our nursery.

Please check back for updates on our progress.

the backyard farmer